Gianni Baylo is originally from Trentino, part of the former Habsburg Empire. He was a only child of the historical company’s heir of sportswear of the Trentino Dolomites: Bailo Spa. He always traveled around the world both for study and professional reason and for loving to discover all the cultures and traditions as well. Traveling, he found various inspirations and created the brand “THINK PINK – Californian Free Thinking.”
Later, he became a worldwide licensee of “NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY” to create innovative international sales outlets.

During his travel in the Mauritius, where he also produced clothing, he knew a beautiful girl of CITTA DI CASTELLO and after a few years they get married.
Visiting the city, he discovered the “ALTA VAL DEL TEVERE” also called “ALTA VAL TIBERINA”: a valley that comes from Monte Fumaiolo, where the Tiber river is born.



Gianni Baylo is originally from Trentino, part of the former Habsburg Empire. He was a only child of the historical company’s heir of sportswear of the Trentino Dolomites: Bailo Spa. He always traveled around the world both for study and professional reason and for loving to discover all the cultures and traditions as well. Traveling, he found various inspirations and created the brand “THINK PINK – Californian Free Thinking.”
Later, he became a worldwide licensee of “NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY” to create innovative international sales outlets.
During his travel in the Mauritius, where he also produced clothing, he knew a beautiful girl of CITTA DI CASTELLO and after a few years they get married.
Visiting the city, he discovered the “ALTA VAL DEL TEVERE” also called “ALTA VAL TIBERINA”: a valley that comes from Monte Fumaiolo, where the Tiber river is born.

In SANSEPOLCRO, where PIERO DELLA FRANCESCA the great artist and LUCA PACIOLI, mathematician and economist were born, Gianni discovered the beauty of the RENAISSENCE.
MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI was born at north of the valley.
LUCA SIGNORELLI was a Città Di Castello’s honorary citizen.
RAFFAELLO SANZIO created his first masterpieces in the city.
LEONARDO DA VINCI painted the battle of ANGHIARI.
The ALTA VALTIBERINA artistic atmosphere never stopped: in the early twentieth century,
ALBERTO BURRI, one of the most important contemporary artists was born in Castello.
The creativity of the ALTA VAL TIBERINA continues to have success also on the entrepreneurial field.
In the clothing sector among the many companies, there is the
INGHIRAMI GROUP, founded in 1949 and still now one of the most innovative and highest quality companies of Italy.
It was founded by FABIO INGHIRAMI, and the current president is GIOVANNI INGHIRAMI.
In the artistic world, there is the BOTTEGA TIFERNATE: STEFANO LAZZARI, a painter and inventor of an exceptional system to reproduce paintings of all the eras.
The Bottega produces fantastic works for the largest museums around the world and for the cinema industry as well.
Gianni Baylo, excited by the artistic and creative air that runs in the ALTA VAL DEL TEVERE, has invented these innovative, much more comfortable and healthy BOXER PANTS than traditional ones.


In SANSEPOLCRO, where PIERO DELLA FRANCESCA the great artist and LUCA PACIOLI, mathematician and economist were born, Gianni discovered the beauty of the RENAISSENCE.
MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI was born at north of the valley.
LUCA SIGNORELLI was a Città Di Castello’s honorary citizen.
RAFFAELLO SANZIO created his first masterpieces in the city.
LEONARDO DA VINCI painted the battle of ANGHIARI.
The ALTA VALTIBERINA artistic atmosphere never stopped: in the early twentieth century,
ALBERTO BURRI, one of the most important contemporary artists was born in Castello.
The creativity of the ALTA VAL TIBERINA continues to have success also on the entrepreneurial field.
In the clothing sector among the many companies, there is the
INGHIRAMI GROUP, founded in 1949 and still now one of the most innovative and highest quality companies of Italy.
It was founded by FABIO INGHIRAMI, and the current president is GIOVANNI INGHIRAMI.
In the artistic world, there is the BOTTEGA TIFERNATE: STEFANO LAZZARI, a painter and inventor of an exceptional system to reproduce paintings of all the eras.
The Bottega produces fantastic works for the largest museums around the world and for the cinema industry as well.
Gianni Baylo, excited by the artistic and creative air that runs in the ALTA VAL DEL TEVERE, has invented these innovative, much more comfortable and healthy BOXER PANTS than traditional ones.
